Gymkhana and Food


Back when I was unmarried, my father used to say that it is useless taking me to a buffet dinner because all I eat is fries and jello haha. Well that's not all I would eat I used to try every dish... Ok almost every dish... oookay the ones that sounded nice. What I mean is my appetite was not that big I would eat an average amount of food and I would get full.
Well now it's a completely different story.

A friend of my parent's invited us for brunch at Karachi Gymkhana. It's a nice place and has great food. Wanna know what I had there?

Mini Pizza
French fries
Mini Burger
Halwa Puri
Omelette with 2 toasts
Chocolate mousse
And let's not forget the 4 glasses of lassi.

Yes I had all of this and oh boy it was sooo good.
I do wish that they had whipped cream or chocolate sauce with the waffles and pancakes cuz all they had was maple syrup. That didn't stop me from eating though haha.

So I feel like I am always eating now. I need something to munch on every 10 mins and don't even ask what happens after dinner. Only I know how I control myself then. My husband often brings milo and Prince biscuits for me after dinner. It is actually supposed to be for breakfast but I eat it all then and there. All he can do then is smile and say umm okay I'll bring you some more tomorrow. Poor guy. I think I spend all his money on food. Literally. I didn't buy any new clothes for the summer season for myself but food? Ohhh don't even ask how much I had in the past week. Alhamdulillah for this. (Say ma sha Allah people!)

The change in my appetite happened after Little Munchkin, now I feel like I am never full.

I am a food monster. FEED ME!

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  1. I love fries and jello. Haha! Lovely post, Ana.



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